Strength For This Day

Tim’s Gran astride a B.S.A.
I guess biking is in my blood. My Gran Hilda was born in 1909, and rode a bike through the late 1920’s and early 1930’s. When I started riding, she encouraged me, and always wanted to see my latest bike. She was a very special woman who lived a simple, humble life, during the most challenging of times.
She passed away in 2011, just a few weeks short of her 102nd birthday. It was very hard to say goodbye. I know she had no regrets about how she lived her life, and she was always quite happy. When we were cleaning up her place, I found this prayer amongst her personal effects. The paper was worn, as though it had been held and read many times. I have no idea who wrote them, or what their origin is. But no matter what your beliefs, I hope these words have meaning and value to you as they do me.
Hopefully we’ll all make it to 102 years of age. Life is hectic, and it’s very easy to take the good things for granted. But perhaps the key to happiness is gratitude, an appreciation for the simple things. Gratitude for family, work we love, good health, a warm day spent with friends hustling motorcycles down twisty roads. The words on my Gran’s tattered piece of paper helps me remember to appreciate these things – Tim Orr.
“Strength for this day is all that I ask
Food for my hunger and strength for my task
Health for my body, a roof over my head
And when I am weary a rest and warm bed
Give me a job and a place in life’s scheme
Give me a moment in which I can dream
Give me a hand that is willing to share
Each little happiness, that is my prayer.
Give me a glimpse of some beautiful things,
Flowers in the sunshine, a bird of the wing
Give me a mind on good purpose bent
Give me a heart that is quiet and content.
Not to have riches, position or fame
But to be useful, let that be my aim.
Look not ahead to the future
But pray for the things that we need
Day by Day.”
A perfect prayer to start the new year!
Thank you Gran for the legacy you left with your family!