Ride the Pacific Coast Highway (PCH)
From the Mists of the Hoh Rainforest to Malibu Pier the PCH is everything you you expect it to be and more. Small harbour towns with amazing places to eat dot the route as we pass mile upon mile of pristine untouched beaches. Mists can roll in and shroud you and then as quickly disappear leaving you with breathtaking ocean views. Humpback whales, Sea Lions and Pelicans will be common sights as you make your way south along this largely untouched coast. Not until you hit southern California will you meet much traffic and then only in the towns. If you want the full West coast vibe from your ride this is the tour for you.

Sea food, Wild life, Three great city stops, Endless beaches and the ever present Pacific Ocean make this tour unique and one of our top three rides in America.